Join ACM Special Interest Groups

ACM Quick Join Special Interest Group Application Form

For New Members Only

The 37 ACM Special Interest Groups were formed to address the varied needs of today's IT professionals. Each SIG organizes itself around those specific activities that best serve both its practitioner- and research-based constituencies. Many sponsor leading conferences and workshops with reduced rates offered to members for registration and proceedings, produce newsletters, or support lively e-mail forums.

Although their specific offerings to members differ, all SIGs share common goals:

Below is the complete listing of the Special Interest Groups you can join.

SIGBED Membership
Embedded Systems [description] [Download PDF]
SIGCHI Membership
SIGCHI Membership [description] [Download PDF]
SIGMICRO Membership
Microarchitecture [description] [Download PDF]
SIGMM Membership
Multimedia [description] [Download PDF]